Danny Dean & The Homewrecker – Growl


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1. Growl (Health, Roberson) Dick James Music LTD 2. Livin’ Lovin’ Doll (May, Gustard) Carlin Music Corp 3. D In Love (Tepper, Bennett) MCA Music LTD. 4. Flea Brain (Center) C. Connelly & Co., LTD. 5. Move It (Ian Samwell) Multimood Music LTD 6. No Turning Back (Bart) EMI/Peter Maurice Music Co. Ltd 7. Tainted Love (Cobb, Marshall) Embassy Music Corp. 8. Pretty In Pink (Ashton, Butler, Butler, Ely, Kilburn, Morris) Blackwood Music BMI 9. Two Hearts (Clayton, Evans, Hewson, Mullen) Island Music Inc.BMI 10. Santa Bring My Baby Back (Aaron Schroeder / Claude Demetrius) Gladys Music [/box]
Vocals & Guitar: Danny Dean
Bass & Vocals: Gavin Jones
Lead Guitar: Chris Wakula
Drums: Vinnie Bargas, Callum Benepe, Steve Kida
Sax: Roger Ehrnman, Kenny Flood, Joseph Lock, Kirk Tracy
Piano: Eric Ekstrand

Recorded By:
Jay Baumgardner @ NRG
Derek Carlson at NRG
John Ewing at NRG
Bill Krodel at Media Kitchen
Steve Mixdorf at NRG
Jeff Moleski at Mole Tracks
Jeff Skelton at King Sound & Picture
Jimmy Sloan at King Sound & Picture
Robert Trujillo at Tru-One Records
Tony Vizcarra at Tru-One Records

Produced By:
Danny Dean
Gavin Jones
Bob Saling
Curt Sautter

Mastered By:
Ramom Breton at Ocean View Mastering

Forget about the Swing revival of the nineties. Forget about the Rockabilly revival of the eighties. Danny Dean and the Homewreckers prove that vintage rock and roll isn’t just a fad, but a lifestyle.

The act that Swing Time magazine calls “rebellious with a touch of class” has been pulling audiences onto dance floors all over the country. With over twenty years of guitar playing and singing experience in the fields of surf, punk, new wave and progressive rock, California native Danny Dean learned the hard way how to please a crowd. Now, his modern spin on the styles of early rock and roll keep the spirit of Bill Haley and the Comets and other classic suit and tie combos alive for this generation and the next.

Danny and his band of road tested veterans (Including hard twanging upright bass player Gavin Jones, who’s been with him since the Homewreckers’ started in 1997) give the customers their money’s worth, whether in local clubs or in larger international venues. They hold their own with established acts when it comes to audience response, as they’ve demonstrated on tour with the likes of The Specials and the English Beat.

Their debut CD “Move It”, recorded with renown studio pros Jay Baumgardner, Bob Saling and Steve Misdorf, snared great reviews from Blue Suede News and much of the Los Angeles area press. The CD features Danny’s revamping of Cliff richard’s Classic hit “Move It” (Complete with new lyrics by the original writer, Ian Samwell) and his own signature tune, Thunderbirds Are Go” – a brilliant tribute to the legend of the American road. All tracks feature Danny’s smooth old-fashioned baritone, a voice striking enough to give even jaded old record collectors pause.

The second Homewreckers CD “Growl” is a retrospect featuring the original 4 songs the band released on their own on cassette only back in 1997 plus several new and compilation tracks.

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